About Me

To Know My Goals Is To Know Me

Welcome to Allys in Wonderland!

I’m the girl behind the blog and you’ll probably be surprised to learn that my name is Allyson and not really Allys, but I’ll go by Allys anyways. At least, I prefer it to Ally.

I write here about my daily life, favorite things (like planners and horses and food and organizing things and beauty – just to name a few), and looking at the world through eyes of wonder. Why the “eyes of wonder?” Because I like to share the things that make me happy and keep me positive since there are just too many negative things in our world everyday. I am learning to cope through writing and other exercises as a means of controlling my depression among other things.

One of my loves and me in one of my favorite places to be.

One of my loves and me in one of my favorite places to be.

The Allys Behind the Words

I’m a 21 year old college senior getting a start on entering the workforce and conquering the world. Currently majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis on International Business in a great university in the Greater Los Angeles area.

The heart of my story is my finding a way to cope with my complicated family life through looking at the world with eyes of wonder. I read, hear, and see a lot of negative things in the world around us and to fight back against it, I resolved to try and see the positive in everything. I hated myself for the longest time but I’ve realized that to get out of the negative feedback loop I’d placed myself in, I’d have to change my mindset. And in doing that, I’ve learned that if you don’t like something, change it!

So ultimately, this lifestyle blog is about my self growth and improvement through writing about topics that are of interest to me or close to my heart. Because of this, my site and posts will be a bit quirky and random – reflecting whichever stage of life or emotion I happen to be in. But this is why I created a space to share.

Thank you for stopping by and know that it means a lot to me that you are reading my words and sharing my story and experiences. I’m always open to comments, critiques, and questions and will do my best to reply in a timely manner. If you think you like where I’m headed, feel free to subscribe to my site to receive notifications for when I post.

Love Always,

One thought on “About Me

  1. Hi Allys, Where can you get the Sakura Berlye Taga lotion you mentioned? in the USA? I found it the best for my dry hands. But I only saw a few websites from Taiwan, with no way to order.


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